五四运动后,很多知识分子都尝试改造中国的传统文化和思想。胡适于1924年6月28日发表的《差不多先生》正是这一类文学的典范。在文章里,作者描绘了一个凡事都差不多的 “差不多先生”。他从小做事马虎,最后为此付上生命的代价。胡适年轻时留学美国,学习了西方学术的严谨和科学,并希望今后的中国能有所进步。99年过去,中国在科技方面不再落后,但是差不多先生的影子仍然跟随着不少国民。
After the May Fourth movement, many intellectuals attempted to modify traditional Chinese culture and thinkings. “Mr Almost” (1924) written by Hu Shih is a piece of literature of this nature. In the story, Hu Shih depicted a “Mr Almost” who does things carelessly but “almost” correctly. In the end he pays the price of his life for this attitude. Hu Shih went to study in America in his youth, and learned the western way of thinking, which is based on logic and science. He hoped that China would move towards this direction. 99 years have passed. China is no longer left behind in terms of technology, yet the shadow of “Mr Almost” can still be seen.