Nathan Rao from TeaTime Chinese

你好,我是茶歇中文的主持人Nathan。我来自上海,现在在法国的留学。我会说普通话,上海话,云南话,英语,法语,日语,一点俄语和广东话。我做过两年的线上中文老师。我有孔子学院的 “国际汉语教师证书”。





希望茶歇中文能祝你一臂之力,帮助你的中文 “更上一层楼”。

About Nathan

Hi! This is Nathan, the host of TeaTime Chinese podcast. I come from Shanghai. Now I am studying in a university in France. I speak Mandarin Chinese, Shanghainese, Sichuanese, English, French, Japanese, and bits of Russian and Cantonese. I was a online Chinese teacher for 2 years. I am a professional teacher certified by "Confucius Institute".

In the journey of my personal language learning, several podcasts helped me a great deal. They allowed me to learn a language wherever I go.

In 2020, when the covid pandemic broke out and classes shifted online, I started TeaTime in my spare time. I advocate the "Comprehensible Input" method, and utilise it in my podcast writing. Instead of using English, I prefer using Chinese to explain Chinese.

Our team members reside in France, China and Japan. We work hard to bring you learning materials of high quality. We genuinely hope that TeaTime Chinese will give you a hand in your learning journey.

茶歇新闻 - TeaTime News: Make News Comprehensible.

Our next big thing

In today’s media landscape, Chinese-language content often falls into one of two extremes: either 100% pro-China or 100% anti-China. At TeaTimedia, we offer a different path. We do not claim to be unbiased—we have our viewpoints and opinions—but we do not align with any political faction or agenda. Our commitment is to the truth, and in pursuing it, we are willing to take risks, even if it means challenging mainstream legacy medias. Stay tuned for "TeaTime News Easy".